How to Choose a Jogging Stroller?

There are several factors to consider while selecting a jogging stroller. To begin with, you get what you paid for. There is undeniably a difference between a $100 stroller and a $300 stroller. We recommend that you get acquainted with the facts and consider your requirements and desires. All of the strollers we provide are long-term investments for you and your children.

Do you need assistance narrowing down all of your options? Allow our online guide to assist you!


Each brand has a distinct competitive edge in terms of design, price, features, and/or accessories. On each of our review pages, you’ll find a simple summary of the features, a short assessment of the stroller, and an overall brand review. We also strongly advise you to check the reviews left by our clients. They know what they’re talking about, and their input is quite insightful.

Sizes of wheels

Larger wheels are recommended for hard running and walking over tough terrain. Smaller wheels are preferable for walking in flat areas. Larger wheels are easier to push over rough terrain, obstacles, and stairs. Larger wheels provide less resistance and better glide, whilst smaller wheels are simpler to spin. Of sure, appearance may influence a choice. Some folks believe that a 20″ big wheel just looks “cooler.” Some people say the 12″ tiny wheel is “cuter.” Remember that wheel size has nothing to do with a stroller’s stability.

  • 20″ wheels: for off-road and jogging. Larger wheels provide better glide, less resistance, and smoother handling over curbs and bumps.
  • 16″ wheels: jogging/walking often with mild off-road usage. A good bet for most people, with excellent glide and usability. They can easily handle everything from strolling around town to sprinting on a gravel route.
  • 12″ Swivel Wheels: for walking and getting about town. They outperform standard strollers with small plastic wheels in terms of agility. When the wheels are left on, they also take up less space in the rear of your vehicle.


Shocks and suspension are relatively recent feature that is only accessible on certain models. Shocks are strongly advised for off-road usage and rough terrain. Remember that shocks aren’t always required. When designing and developing strollers, most manufacturers consider shock absorption. Are you jogging on rutted roads? Consider shocks next.

Steel vs. Alloy Wheels

At the moment, aluminum Alloy wheels are popular. They come standard on the majority of our strollers. Steel wheels are used when manufacturers are seeking to save money, and the price of a stroller typically reflects this. Alloy wheels will not rust and are essential in regions where corrosion is a problem (i.e. marine environments, coastal areas, mountain zones, and areas with snow and road salt). Spending a few additional dollars on alloy wheels upfront can prevent you from having to replace them later. Another advantage is that the alloy is lower in weight. Steel wheels add around 1 pound to the stroller’s total weight. If you have steel wheels and are in a salty environment, be sure to rinse them after walking on the beach or on salt-covered roads.

Steel vs. Alloy Hubs

Jogging strollers, like bicycle hubs, utilize a hub in the middle of the wheel to connect the spokes. As with the wheels, alloy hubs are lighter and will not rust, but steel hubs are heavier and will rust. However, following the manufacturer’s directions for regular care and maintenance of your jogging stroller can help eliminate steel hub corrosion difficulties.

Seats that recline

Reclining seats in jogging strollers is a novel and much sought-after feature. Reclining jogging strollers do not change to a totally flat posture, but rather to a reclined position that allows Jr. to sleep and relax more comfortably. We also propose neck rolls, to help with pleasant resting positions for the head and neck, whether you pick reclining chairs or not.


Color is primarily a matter of personal choice, but there are a few things to consider. To begin with, brilliant or bright colors draw more attention and are more apparent. Light colors will reflect and glow brighter if a car approaches the roadway if you are out in poorly lit regions. Do we offer flashing lights similar to those used on motorcycles? You may want to check into this for nighttime jogging. Consider the influence of color and heat as well. The color of your stroller has the same impact as wearing light colors in hot weather to remain cool. Finally, when it comes to color, we tend to sell more dark-colored strollers, such as black and navy, to city families (where filth, grime, and mud are common).

Value at Resale

Have you noticed how difficult it is to find them used? After purchasing a high-quality stroller, many people keep it on hand in case they need it again or if a family member has a kid. However, if you want to sell your stroller, the better condition it is in, the simpler it will be to sell. Rust, for example, does not sell, and steel wheels or hubs rust. It is a little enhancement when purchasing new, but it will pay dividends if you want to pass it on. Another technique is to protect the cloth from deteriorating too much. Keep your stroller out of direct sunlight.

What should I expect to pay for a jogging stroller?

There are several factors to consider while selecting a jogging stroller. The obvious place to begin is with a price. To put it simply, you get what you pay for. There is undeniably a difference between a $100 stroller and a $300 stroller. We recommend that you get acquainted with the facts and consider your requirements and desires. Not everyone needs a $400 single stroller, but many will buy one, use it, misuse it, pass it down, and receive their money’s worth. Whether you want fashion, prestige, or usefulness, purchase what is acceptable for you and your children.

What is the difference between a swivel wheel and a fixed wheel?

Swivel front wheels were introduced to the market a few years ago. Mountain Buggy was one of the first to launch them, and they quickly became popular. Due to tremendous demand, most organizations have hopped on the bandwagon and provided the option since then. Swivel wheel strollers are easy to maneuver and are perfect for indoor usage. However, for professional runners, a fixed front wheel that tracks straight rather than turning side to side remains the preferred choice.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a swivel wheel?

A swivel front wheel allows you to turn on a dime, which is ideal for walking around the mall, city streets, festivals, and the zoo. When turning a fixed wheel, press down on the handlebar slightly to lift the front wheel while turning the stroller. It’s simple enough to accomplish when cruising, but not so simple when you’re pushing a double with two kids inside, or attempting to navigate in a tight spot like between clothes racks at the mall. Consider the following:

In sand on the beach or snow, a swivel wheel will be more difficult to use. When you’re on soft ground, the wheels sink down somewhat, and the swivel wheel provides less leverage than a fixed wheel. This may be confusing.

While most swivel front wheels include a locking option, with the exception of high-end versions (such as the Bob Revolution), they still jiggle. This might imply shaky tracking at a quicker rate. A heavy runner will be disappointed.

A swivel-wheel stroller is not suitable for marathon training or vigorous jogging. Jogging on occasion or a suburban walker? A swivel wheel stroller should not cause any issues.

Is it necessary for me to have Shocks or Suspension?

Shocks and suspension have been offered on various stroller models for years. Shocks are intended for off-road and rough terrain applications. Keep in mind that shocks aren’t always essential; most manufacturers design and construct their strollers with shock absorption in mind. Will you be wandering along washboard roads? If so, think about shocks.

What are your thoughts on strolling with infants?

If you want to go out there with your infant in a Jogging Stroller, you have a few alternatives. Although it may seem apparent, jogging with a newborn at such a young age is not suggested. The proper head support is unquestionably a problem. However, newborns cannot control their own body temperature until they are 6-8 weeks old, therefore it is better to keep them wrapped or near to your body until then. That being stated, here are several possibilities for getting the youngest member of your family into a Jogging Stroller:

  • Flat Bed: Some Jogging Strollers offer seats that recline fully flat. See Valco, Phil & Teds, or Zooper.
  • Carry Cot or Bassinet: See Mountain Buggy or Valco. The Carry Cot or Bassinet looks like a mini-crib, and it’s a great accessory option. You can detach it and carry it right indoors, making them easy to transfer without waking the sleeping baby.
  • Car Seat Adaptor: Many Jogging Strollers are now car seat compatible with the use of an adaptor accessory. This basically turns your Jogging Stroller into a convenient Travel System Stroller. There are a lot of discussions out there on how much time spent in an infant car seat is safe, and a lot of talk about issues that are arising from too much time in them. That’s just a note to be aware and do some homework; there are plenty of websites.

According to

Limit the amount of time your newborn spends in the car seat when you are at home or the baby is at childcare. Too much time in the car seat may restrict your baby’s mobility and stimulation, both of which assist your child to develop sensory and motor abilities.

What exactly is ASTM Certification?

When you see an ASTM Certified* product, such as a Baby Jogger jogging stroller, you know it meets the most stringent jogging stroller industry requirements. Undergoing ASTM testing and satisfying the established standards is entirely optional, is done at the company’s cost, and is not mandated by any government or commercial organization. Because ASTM standards are the highest in the world, any product (such as a Baby Jogger stroller) that meets or surpasses them is certified as a high-quality item.

*ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) is a non-profit worldwide organization that was created in 1898 to develop and publish standards for goods, materials, systems, and services. ASTM standards, which are entirely voluntary in their application, have a worldwide reputation for being the most comprehensive, rigorous, and recognized of their type. An ASTM standard is a document created within a certain industry that comprehensively describes best practices and establishes the quality standards for that commodity or service.

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